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B2B marketing trends of August 2024

August 2024 B2B marketing trends highlight the importance of preparing for Q4. Stay updated on the latest shifts in platforms like ChatGPT, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, and Meta, and optimize your strategies to align with current market dynamics.

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August is a crucial time to prepare for the busy fall season, when business picks up and opportunities for new leads and customers increase. To gear up for an aggressive Q4, it’s essential to review your marketing strategy, update your channel and approach selection, and stay informed about market trends. We’re here to be your one-stop shop for market updates. Let’s explore market updates and  trends you should keep in mind before fall 2024.

ChatGPT’s rising popularity: a global snapshot

ChatGPT is becoming a go-to tool worldwide. Check out this Visual Capitalist report, based on Boston Consulting Group,’s data. 

Surprisingly, India is leading the pack in adoption, with countries like Morocco, UAE, and Argentina not far behind. This trend highlights unique patterns in global tech engagement. If you’re targeting these markets, it might be worth exploring how to use ChatGPT in your marketing mix. Consider integrating it as a primary channel to connect with your target audience in high-adoption areas. 

X (formerly Twitter)—a mixed bag

X is seeing some interesting shifts. In Europe, overall engagement is down, but logged-in users are more active. Latin America’s a bit tricky with bans in Brazil and Venezuela. Globally, though, user numbers are holding steady.

This means it’s time to reevaluate your X strategy:

  • Short-term: Review your advertising and content approach based on the latest user stats.
  • Mid-term: Develop content that resonates with X’s growing user base.
  • Long-term: Consider how X fits into your overall social media strategy and budget allocation.

The takeaway? Don’t write off X just yet, but keep a close eye on how it fits into your strategy.

LinkedIn’s winning streak

LinkedIn is on fire right now, with both revenue and user engagement hitting new highs. Video ads are crushing it compared to other formats, so if you’re not using them, you might want to start. Also, people are loving LinkedIn newsletters – readership has tripled in the past year. Some key points:

  • Active sessions are consistently increasing.
  • Conversations around new tech like AI are booming.
  • Newsletters are making a big comeback.

It’s a great time to double down on your LinkedIn presence, especially with content that taps into professional interests like AI advancements or industry innovations.

Instagram’s View-centric Approach

Instagram is putting the spotlight on views as their main metric. This change aims to focus creators on creating engaging, view-worthy content. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Short-term: Track which types of posts get the most views.
  • Mid-term: Collaborate with influencers to boost content views.
  • Long-term: Develop a strategy that balances views with other metrics like saves and shares.

It’s worth experimenting with what drives views for your brand, but don’t forget about other engagement metrics.

Reddit’s growth spurt

Reddit added a whopping 85 million users in Q2 and launched new “Generation Ads”. If your target audience hangs out on Reddit, now might be the time to test the waters with some advertising. Consider:

  • Short-term: Increase ad presence on Reddit, targeting growing communities.
  • Mid-term: Analyze which subreddits provide the best ROI and focus your efforts there.
  • Long-term: Build long-term engagement strategies, such as creating branded communities and sponsoring AMAs.

Just remember, Reddit has its own unique culture – your ads need to feel native to the platform.

Threads – the new kid on the block

Meta’s Threads platform hit 200 million users recently. While it’s still finding its feet, it could be worth establishing an early presence if it aligns with your audience. Here’s what to consider:

  • Short-term: Establish a presence and engage with the growing user base.
  • Mid-term: Develop tailored content strategies for Threads.
  • Long-term: Plan for integration with other social media platforms to maximize reach.

Early adoption could help you capture a loyal audience before the platform becomes crowded.

Meta’s continued dominance

Speaking of Meta, they’re still growing in both users and revenue. It’s a reminder that despite new platforms popping up, the Meta ecosystem (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) remains a powerhouse for B2B marketing. Consider:

  • Short-term: Leverage Meta’s user growth by increasing ad spend and targeting.
  • Mid-term: Focus on audience segmentation and personalized content.
  • Long-term: Forecast future growth trends on Meta and allocate resources accordingly.

Podcasts keep going strong

Podcasts aren’t slowing down anytime soon. They’re a great way to reach busy professionals who might not have time to read long-form content. Consider incorporating podcasts into your content strategy to capture this growing audience.

Google News for B2B

Here’s an interesting stat:

If you’re sharing timely, relevant info in your industry, you’re essentially a news publisher. It might be worth exploring how to get your content featured to boost your visibility and authority in your field.

Remember, the key to successful B2B marketing is choosing your channels wisely. As you plan for Q4, think about which of these trends align best with your audience and goals.

What trends are you most excited about? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

You’re absolutely right. I’ll expand on the content, especially the political marketing section, to give it the depth and attention it deserves. Here’s a more detailed version:

U.S. Election campaign: what can we learn from Kamala Harris 

Let’s take a deep dive into what B2B marketers can learn from political campaigns. The world of political marketing is a high-stakes arena where engagement isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential for success. And there’s no better example of this than Kamala HQ’s recent social media strategy.

The team behind Vice President Kamala Harris’s social media presence has been turning heads with their innovative approach. As detailed in this Marketing Brew article, they’re not just posting content – they’re creating a movement. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Authenticity reigns supreme: Kamala HQ’s content feels genuine and unscripted. They’re not afraid to show the Vice President in candid moments, which resonates strongly with audiences. How can your B2B brand inject more authenticity into its content?

2. Rapid response strategy: Political campaigns need to react quickly to current events, and Kamala HQ excels at this. They’re able to produce timely, relevant content at breakneck speed. In the B2B world, could you set up a similar rapid response team to capitalize on industry news or trends?

3. Platform-specific content: Each social media platform gets its own tailored content. What works on Twitter isn’t necessarily replicated on TikTok. Are you adapting your B2B content strategy for each platform you’re on?

4. Embracing new formats: Kamala HQ isn’t afraid to experiment with new content formats, from Instagram Reels to Twitter Spaces. How experimental is your B2B content strategy?

5. Community building: Political campaigns are all about building a community of supporters. Kamala HQ does this by actively engaging with followers, resharing user-generated content, and creating opportunities for supporters to feel involved. How can you foster a similar sense of community among your B2B clients and prospects?

Lessons from campaign fundraising

Political campaigns are also masters at fundraising, which has interesting parallels to B2B sales:

1.  Urgency and scarcity: Notice how political fundraising emails often have countdown timers or limited-time offers? These tactics can be effectively adapted for B2B marketing, especially for time-sensitive deals or limited availability services.

2. Storytelling: Successful political campaigns excel at crafting compelling narratives. They’re not just asking for money – they’re inviting supporters to be part of a larger story. How can you weave storytelling into your B2B marketing to make clients feel part of something bigger?

While the goals of political campaigns and B2B marketing may differ, the underlying principles of engagement, persuasion, and relationship-building are strikingly similar. By studying and adapting these political marketing strategies, B2B marketers can inject new life into their campaigns and potentially see a significant boost in engagement and conversions.

The AI revolution in advertising

Google is making significant strides in AI-driven, cross-platform advertising solutions. As reported by Search Engine Land, they’re phasing out Smart Campaigns in favor of Performance Max. This shift represents a major change in how we approach digital advertising:

  • AI-optimized campaigns: Performance Max uses machine learning to optimize ad performance across all of Google’s channels, including Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and Maps.
  • Streamlined management: Instead of managing multiple campaigns for different channels, you can now create one campaign that reaches customers across Google’s entire ad inventory.
  • Improved targeting: The AI can identify and reach potential customers you might have missed with traditional targeting methods.

What does this mean for B2B marketers?

  • It’s time to embrace AI in your advertising strategy. Start experimenting with Performance Max to see how it performs for your B2B campaigns.
  • Consider how you can provide the AI with high-quality data and assets to work with. The better your inputs, the better the AI’s performance.
  • Think about how this might change your team’s skill sets. Will you need more data analysts and fewer traditional media buyers?
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LinkedIn’s new features

LinkedIn continues to evolve as the premier B2B social network. Here’s a deeper look at their latest updates:

New video ad formats and AI enhancements

According to eMarketer, LinkedIn is rolling out new video ad formats and AI-powered tools. These include:

  • Interactive video ads that allow viewers to engage directly with the content
  • AI-powered content suggestions to help you create more effective posts and ads
  • Enhanced analytics to better understand your audience and content performance

How to leverage this:

  • Start experimenting with interactive video content. Could you create a product demo that allows viewers to click for more information on specific features?
  • Use LinkedIn’s AI tools to optimize your content strategy. Pay attention to the suggestions and see how they impact your engagement rates.

Company page verification

LinkedIn now offers verification for company pages. This blue checkmark can significantly boost your credibility on the platform.

Steps to take:

  • Apply for verification as soon as possible. The earlier you get verified, the more you stand out from competitors.
  • Once verified, prominently feature your LinkedIn profile in other marketing materials to leverage this credibility boost.

Sponsored user-generated newsletters

In an interesting move, LinkedIn now allows brands to sponsor user-generated newsletters. This opens up new avenues for reaching niche audiences.

How to use this feature:

  • Identify thought leaders in your industry who are publishing newsletters on LinkedIn.
  • Reach out to sponsor their content, ensuring your brand gets in front of a highly engaged, relevant audience.
  • Consider creating your own LinkedIn newsletter to attract potential sponsors and establish thought leadership.

SEO and search trends

Google’s refined product search

Search Engine Journal reports that Google is enhancing its product search capabilities. For B2B companies, this means:

  • More emphasis on structured data: Ensure your product pages have comprehensive, well-formatted product schema.
  • Focus on query intent: Google is getting better at understanding what users are looking for. Align your content with common search intents in your industry.

Apple’s potential search engine

While still speculative, MacRumors suggests Apple might be building its own search engine. If this comes to fruition, it could shake up the SEO world:

  • Consider optimizing for Apple’s ecosystem: If you’re in a B2B space where Apple products are common (e.g., creative industries), start thinking about how an Apple search engine might prioritize results.
  • Focus on privacy-centric SEO: Given Apple’s emphasis on privacy, consider how you can optimize your site without relying heavily on user data.

Reddit’s search engine restrictions

Reddit is limiting access to search engine scrapers like Bing. This could affect how your Reddit content is discovered:

  • If Reddit is a key platform for your B2B strategy, focus on building direct engagement within the platform rather than relying on search traffic.
  • Consider creating a Reddit-specific content strategy that encourages sharing and engagement within the platform itself.

Google’s cookie tracking update

Google has postponed its plan to phase out tracking cookies. While this gives marketers more time to prepare, it’s still crucial to start adapting:

  • Begin building first-party data strategies. How can you collect valuable data directly from your audience?
  • Explore contextual advertising options that don’t rely on personal data.

The Rise of Employee-Generated Content (EGC)

Forbes highlights a growing trend: leveraging employees as influencers. This strategy can be particularly effective in the B2B space:

  • Authenticity boost: Customers often trust employees more than official brand channels. EGC can make your brand feel more human and approachable.
  • Diverse perspectives: Encouraging content from employees across different departments can showcase various aspects of your business and expertise.
  • Increased reach: Employees sharing content can significantly expand your brand’s reach, especially on platforms like LinkedIn.

Implementing an EGC strategy:

  • Create clear guidelines for employee content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and values.
  • Provide training and resources to help employees create high-quality content.
  • Consider implementing an employee advocacy platform to streamline content sharing and measure impact.

AI in Customer Experience

By 2027, AI is set to transform CX operations, according to Entrepreneur. This shift means B2B companies need to start thinking about how to integrate AI into their customer experience strategies now.

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B2B Influencer Marketing on the Rise

Influencer marketing isn’t just for B2C anymore. The Influencer Marketing Hub’s benchmark report and eMarketer’s analysis show that B2B influencer marketing is growing rapidly. Could partnering with industry thought leaders amplify your message?

AI and influencer marketing

Speaking of influencers, AI is making waves in this space too. The Content Marketing Institute explores how AI is being used to grade influencers. This could revolutionize how we select and work with influencers in the B2B space.

Wrapping up

Phew! That’s a lot to take in, right? The B2B marketing landscape is evolving at breakneck speed, with AI, new platform features, and changing user behaviors all playing a role. The key is to stay agile, keep experimenting, and always keep your audience’s needs at the forefront.

What trends are you most excited about? Which ones do you think will have the biggest impact on your B2B marketing strategy? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Remember, while these trends are exciting, the fundamentals of good B2B marketing remain the same: know your audience, provide value, and build meaningful relationships. Happy marketing!

Digital Marketer at 42DM

I’m a B2B marketing geek, focusing on all things B2B tech. My passion lies in breaking down complex marketing concepts into actionable strategies for B2B businesses. For the past two years, I’ve been helping our partners and blog readers navigate lead generation, content marketing, or the latest in marketing tech. I’m always happy to share insights that drive real results and unlock hidden marketing potential. When not immersed in marketing, you’ll find me exploring international relations and geopolitics, which often gives me different perspectives on global markets and industries for my marketing ideas and concepts.

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