Generating high-quality demand for a niche AI solution

Client X (NDA) is a software development company that offers virtual reality training services.


IT Services & IT Consulting

  • Inbound Marketing
  • SMM
  • Digital PR
1 year

We recognized that the client’s strength lay in its uniqueness, so we built a strategy that emphasized its cutting-edge offerings to decision leads.

Аватар пользователя

Marketing challenges

Narrow niche

Low brand awareness

High cost-per-lead


  • Create new positioning for an innovative training company targeting top-tier enterprises along with the new website development
  • Establish a stronger market presence and expand into the broader enterprise market through digital communication

Have similiar goals?

42DM approach

  • Position according to the ICP profile by focusing on unique, engaging offerings to stand out from the competition.
  • Address limited inbound demand with targeted marketing to generate interest from decision leads in a niche or immature market.
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To achieve the goals, we needed to find out the right positioning according to the ICP profile and choose a strategy for the decision-stage lead attraction. We focused on Demand Generation approach.

Аватар пользователя

How 42DM
delivered results

  • In-depth ICP & competitors research
  • Communication platform & messaging creation
  • Building awareness
  • Demand Capturing
  • Converting the demand
Talk to us

We used impactful LinkedIn posts and ads to capture and convert leads, boosting client sales opportunities.

Аватар пользователя

Want to know more about
our solution?

Boosting brand awareness
and cutting costs
in a narrow niche

The impressive results underscore the effectiveness of our demand generation approach.

Explore this case in detail

demo requests in 6 month


from Google Search & Linkedin


demo requests conversion rate

Dreaming big?
Let’s make it happen together!

Our clients say

What sets 42DM apart is not just their expertise in strategic marketing for B2B tech but their ability to immerse themselves in the vision and mission of Payoneer.


The team at 42DM possesses a rare blend of strategic vision, operational excellence, and a results-driven approach that has consistently exceeded our expectations.

Nataliia Hordiienko
Senior Marketing Manager at Payoneer, Fintech SaaS
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